Top 5 Reasons to Move to Coastal Maine

Despite its endless attractions, coastal Maine remains a nearly untouched secret corner of the nation. In your relocation to the seaside of the Pine Tree State, you discover some beautiful aspects of New England living. Here are a few things to soak up in your new hometown: Coastal Maine Lighthouses Maine’s coastline is home to…
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Reasons to Relocate near Acadia National Park, Maine

Living near a National Park is a bucket list item for many people! In Bangor, Maine we are lucky to be located a short distance from Acadia National Park, one of only two National Parks located on the ocean. There are many things to visit during your trip to Acadia National Park. If you enjoy…
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The Best Reasons to Move to Moosehead Lake, Maine

Most think of Moosehead Lake and the surrounding area as a great place to visit. It is! However, a long-term relocation to Maine’s biggest lake brings a vast amount of joys that a shorter stay could never offer. 1. The Unspoiled Wilderness of the North Woods Perhaps the most alluring aspect of the Moosehead Lake…
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